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Important announcement for all our members....

From: Max L.
Sent on: Saturday, February 7, 2015, 1:34 PM


Embrace the unknown, embrace the change. Within it you will find the rest of yourself…~ Max Leone


Hi all,

We just wanted to make sure you have received our invitation to attend our very, very special event taking place on Tuesday February 17, when for the first time we will host a Satsung at Conscious Living Dublin.

Our host will be Kosi, who was born in the US and then spent years studying with some of the greatest mystics in India such as GangajiSri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi and Sri Amma Karunamayi.

The purpose of attending a Satsang with Kosi is, as she beautifully says it, is "to experience directly, intimately, the freedom and happiness that never comes and goes".

As a matter of fact, many people who have attended a Satsang with her report to have experienced an instant awakening that allowed them to drop their pain in their life, immediately, whatever the cause of it was.Or to simply experience a sense of lasting deep peace and completeness.

As she says, "lasting happiness can be fully realised in a moment, even in the midst of the pain". And this what often happens to those who decide to attend one of her Satsang.

Because of what we just said, we would recommend changing your RSVP, as soon as possible, so that we can have an idea on how many of us will be joining there on the night.

For more information, visit:

SATSANG WITH KOSI - To Experience the Lasting Happiness and Freedom that Never Goes Away

Satsand with Kosi - To watch this video, CLICK HERE!

To change your RSVP, CLICK HERE!



PS: Also important!

Don't forget our next event with the beautiful Patricia Lohan!

Saint valentine is approaching and it's a great opportunity, for both men and women to break downs the walls that prevent our soul mate from finally entering our life:-)Besides the evening itself, will be an opportunity to meet your partner on the night...who knows...don't you think so:)?

For more information about this eventor to change your RSVPCLICH HERE!

THE SOULMATE ATTRACTION FORMULA - With Relationship coach Patricia LOHAN


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