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When things get tough, it Ok to question all basic assumption, except your core nature....

From: Max L.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 10:42 AM


Dear friends,

I hope you had a great weekend. Here is my thought for the week for you to ponder - and to live, if it resonates with you....:-).

In fact don't be surprised if it speaks about something that you are currently experiencing in your life. It means that these words are your way to remind something about yourself, to yourself, through me...

Here we go...:-)

When things are not going your way, when it gets really tough, it is OK to question everything, to reconsider even the basic assumptions, except for one thing: Your deepest nature.

You see, if an apple tree is not producing apples, it doesn’t try to produce strawberries instead…

If a dog, or a zebra can’t find what their ultimate nature asks them to look for, they chance location, they change the way the go after those things, but they never question their ultimate nature…
They never try to be a “successful” bird or a "successful" fish instead, no matter how tough it gets

Because a “solution” that includes the idea of denying our true nature, is never a solution…

So as a living creature on Earth, whether you are a bird, or a plant (in which case you already know all this...) or a human I guess;-), let me tell you that living according to your core nature, is crucial for the entire ecosystem...
And for each of us as humans, it is also the most fulfilling way to live…

Then change will always be a constant, and indeed is vital to the survival and evolution of our species. And yet only to the extend that is functional to the expression of our core nature…not the other way around... 
Meaning that we are never meant to change our core nature. But to rather change everything around it to best serve the full expression of our true self

Because the core true self is never, ever the issue…it is rather the denial of it that is the ultimate cause of all issues…

~ Massimiliano Leone (Conscious Living Dublin Founder & Organizer)

If you resonate with what I share and want more of that, you can find me on fecebook - Click here:-)!


IMPORTANT: Our next event...

FAMILY CONSTELLATION - A Voyage Where The Origin of Our Issues Can Be Healed and Moved Through - With Certified Instructor GAJA KARPETA

For more information, or to change you RSVP, Click Here!

Each family has its own conscience, which is made up of all the members of the family. We could call this the oversoul of the family.

Family Constellations take us through a voyage where the history and origins of our issues can be resolved, healed and moved through..."

For more information, or to change you RSVPClick Here!



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