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It's not what you do, it's what you put in it...towards a new idea of "spirituality"...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Monday, April 6, 2015, 2:23 PM


Dear friends,

I hope you had a great weekend. Here is my thought for the week for you to ponder - and maybe to go out and live it, if it resonates with you...


There was a time when i thought that working in the field of personal growth made me per se "more spiritual" than those having a “regular” job...

Then I realised that it is only the level of passion that we put into what we do, that qualifies the experience as “spiritual”. That is true whether we consider ourselves to be spiritual or not, religious or atheist. And even if that is not even an issue for us.

In fact you could be an atheist and yet be more spiritual than a priest, simply because you experience a greater level of passion in what you do...
Why is passion so important? Because it originates from a collective desire to have something expressed through you to them, through the very thing that you are so inspired to do...
It cannot be selfish. It always serves you as well as the whole.

So even the choice of feeding people, or helping those who are in great difficulty, as valuable and noble as it is, won't allow you to give your best contribution to the world, unless you are sincerely passionate about it. In fact if you do it just because “it’s the right thing to do”, it won’t help much...

You are better off dedicating your life to what you are genuinely passionate about, and then let the fruits of that, help others. Obvious examples are Bill Gates and Angelina Jolie who first surrendered to their truest calling of becoming a successful entrepreneur and an actress, and then, when helping others become their deepest calling, they were able to really make the difference in those people's life. 
Had they chosen to help others immediately instead of hearing their true calling, they wouldn’t be able to have such a huge impact now...

So let your passion drives you where you need to go, without overanalysing it...

Your ultimate calling will not be found as a result of brain storming. Just like love, at its hight expression passion cannot be fully understood rationally
And if you feel it strongly without being able to explain it, that’s a good sign. It means that it is not a product of your mind. It originated beyond the mind...

People will sense it in your presence anyway without needing much explanation on your behalf. And you will see it all happening, almost magically, for the benefit of all...

~ Massimiliano Leone (Conscious Living Founder & Organizer)


IMPORTANT: Our next event (Only in two days!!)...

FAMILY CONSTELLATION - A Voyage Where The Origin of Our Issues Can Be Healed and Moved Through - With Certified Instructor GAJA KARPETA (7.30 Wednesday April 8th)

For more information, or to change you RSVP, Click Here!

There is a conscience or family soul that, in an invisible and unconscious way for its members, is passed from generation to generation and which conditions the behaviour and destiny of each of the individuals of that family.

In a single session, it reveals deep truths about our families and ourselves that can heal, transform, liberate and radically change our lives for the better.

For more information, or to  RSVP "YES" to this eventClick Here!





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