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the ultimate purpose of wanting, is becoming…

From: Max L.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 9:45 AM


Dear friends,

I hope you had a great weekend. Here is my thought for the week for you to ponder - and maybe to go out and live it, if it resonates with you...


For years I let my fear of rejection and fear of failure set the limit of who I could be and what life could be for me. Meaning that to avoid hearing “No”, I wouldn’t ask, I wouldn’t dare, I wouldn’t open my heart…
Basically I wouldn’t really live…

Now the “No’s” excite me more than the “Yes’s”, because they are the ones that invite me to stretch myself more, to learn more, and to discover more...

In fact when life tells you “No” on a meaningful path, it doesn’t do so to discourage you, to deny you what you want. It is simply an invitation to go deeper…
Its message is clear: “You are not yet big enough for the size of your dream. To reach the goal that you have set for yourself, you need to expand…you need to “engage” more of what you are”. In other words, you need to grow…

And that is good, because the ultimate purpose of wanting, is becoming…
And the dreams that are worth pursuing, are those that allow you to become more. 
That’s why the most precious of them will not come true until you have express as much “YOU” as you possibly can through them…

So the "Yes’s" simply confirm who you have become, but it's the “No’s” that stretch you a bit further than that…
In fact you could set goals that are all below your potential and “Yes” it’s all you will ever hear. You will tell yourself that you are a “winner”, but actually you are stagnant…
Because there is no growth there anymore...

Otherwise you can take the courage, step beyond your comfort zone, and set a goal that is as big as your potential, or even more…
Now each “No” that follows will be a real sign of growth, and all together they will lead you, almost in mathematical progression, to a real “YES”. 
The one that tells you “You have grown...this is who you have become.”

Massimiliano Leone (Conscious living founder & Organizer)


IMPORTANT: our next event...


"Imagine what it would be like to be in a relationship that is full of love, laughter, light, understanding and be with someone that brings out the best in you..."

"You always have the choice who you decide to be with and the more self-love and self-acceptance you have and the more you value yourself, the more you will attract a partner that will love you, accept you and value you as well."

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