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Single to Soulmate! - 2 Hour FREE Masterclass for Women

Photo of Deb Marven
Hosted By
Deb M.
Single to Soulmate! - 2 Hour FREE Masterclass for Women


Is there a part of you that feels stuck, frustrated, and sad?

You watch others find their partners and wonder when it is going to be your turn.

I've met and spoken to hundreds of singles who are over being single, but unsure how to change things.

My FREE 2-hour workshop aims to get you on the path by giving you a framework to help you shift your thinking, and in doing so, create a different way of being to attract your ideal partner.

This workshop is for conscious singles who are ready to do things differently to attract their ideal match.

In this two-hour workshop, I will teach you to:

-Become aware of what is holding you back

-Learn why you are repeating the same patterns

-Gain an understanding of what it takes to make the shift.

I teach what I have successfully created in my own life. I was single in my late 30s, having just recovered from several years with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Within six months of recovering, after applying these teachings, I attracted my dream man.

We got married less than a year and a half later (when I was 40) and at 41 we had our son who is now 7 years old.

My clients are achieving huge success too. Many have met their soulmates, and many reports that they have cleared their "stuff", opened their hearts, and are feeling beyond excited about this aspect of life, knowing their ideal partner is very close.

My recent client Nadine was 46 years old, wondering if her man would ever turn up. She joined my program in within a year, she is engaged to the most wonderful man. She attributes her success to our work together.

This workshop is for you if:

· You are tired of being single and ready to find a partner who will appreciate you for you.

· You are over-dating the wrong people.

· You are questioning if they even exist, or wondering if all the good ones are taken

· You are over the dating sites and putting yourself out there

· You are ready to meet "him" (or her).

At the 2-hour workshop, you will:

- Understand your personal story, its importance, and how it impacts how you view relationships

- Appreciate the importance of raising your energy and how this helps you align and attract all that you want

- Learn what is required to attract the type of partner you are wanting

- Plus, find out the shortcuts to go from a theoretical understanding to an embodied experience so you can raise your relationship vibration to feel good and bring him in more quickly.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Love Deb x

Photo of Conscious Women Manifesting Abundance Boston group
Conscious Women Manifesting Abundance Boston
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