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Friendly meetup reminder.

From: Doug & N.
Sent on: Thursday, May 9, 2013, 9:03 PM

This is a friendly reminder to all The New York Conservative Meetup Group members who plan to attend our meetup this Friday, May 17:

Thank you for being a considerate group member.  PLEASE KEEP YOUR RSPVs UPDATED!!!!! Nobody wants to come to a group expecting to find "x" number of attendees only to be wondering "y" a number of members did not show up.

Members who say "Yes" and attend have taken the time and effort to commute to our group, and therefore, expect others to be equally as considerate. Here's how our RSVP system works:

"Yes" means you're attending. Please change it to "No" if you find that you can't attend.

"No" means you will not attend. If you have no plans to attend, you do not need to RSVP at all.

Your RSVPs are important for GROUP INTEGRITY and seating reservation purposes. Please do not treat our "Yes" as a "Maybe" and then not follow up.

We look forward to seeing all of you who say "Yes," you will attend. And as always, we look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones!


Assistant Organizers,

Doug & Natasha