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Upcoming event: The Intersection of Content & Commerce

From: James C.
Sent on: Monday, April 22, 2013, 2:58 PM



There's a free event in Bellevue on April 30 that you have been invited to:

The Intersection of Content & Commerce

Digital content and commerce have always had a synergistic relationship, still most software packages and digital agencies separate content from commerce strategy.  Today’s successful digital brands know they need to merge content and commerce so that the online experience is compelling and frankly, converts to dollars and cents.  As a trio, Zeon Solutions, Sitecore and Active Commerce are helping build platforms that enable digital marketers and technologists to build intelligent and profitable content-based-commerce solutions.

Join us at Purple Cafe & Wine Bar, conveniently located in downtown Bellevue, for cocktail hour and a discussion on the trends calling for content-based-commerce, hear some success stories, and learn more about some of the technologies that are making it easier to successfully merge content and commerce initiatives.

(This will be especially popular with those of you on the East Side who've been wanting an event in your part of the metro area.)

Note: Content Strategy Seattle is not sponsoring this event, so we can't take RSVPs. Please register using their direct link.


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