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New Meeting: CosKumite, the Art of Cosplay Combat / C.L.A.N.S. Light Saber Combat Meet

From: Chuck
Sent on: Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 9:38 AM
Announcing a new meeting for CosKumite, Cosplay & C.L.A.N.S. Lightsaber Combat!

What: CosKumite, the Art of Cosplay Combat / C.L.A.N.S. Light Saber Combat Meet

When: Thursday, May 15, 7:30 PM

See description details: USD12.00 per session / $48-month

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Any local Jedi, Sith, or open minded creatives who like to have fun with lightsabers.

Why: Ummm... Learning to swing a lightsaber.
BTW: This is non-contact, safe, fun, lightsaber to lightsaber mock combat.

Meeting Description: We're back, and with GOOD NEWS!


It's CosKumite's One Year Anniversary and to celebrate, C.L.A.N.S. of the Revolution Lightsaber Combat is now becoming a regular weekly class!

We've been in-house and haven't sent out invites for a bit,
but starting with this gathering we will meet every Thursday night from 7:30 to 8:45 PM
So bring your lightsabers and let's play!

Also, with the warm weather here, we'll be taking the glow power to the local parks. We'll let you know when & where that's happening either here at Meetup, by email, or by word of mouth. So stay tuned!

For fees & more information see our description page,
or call us at[masked]

Combattitude Fighting Fitness Academy (The CFFA)
7100 Cloumbia Gateway Drive #180
Columbia, Maryland 21046
Located in the "Three Ponds" Business Park

Be a part of the Lightsaber Combat Experience with CosKumite's,
C.L.A.N.S. (Clans, Legion, Aliens, Nobles, & Soldiers) of the Revolution!

Learn more here: