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What we’re about

## For Established Experts, Creative Professionals & Artists 

If you want to design a creative and professional life which is truly resonant to you, you're in the right place.

Creative Sovereignty is about bringing forth our own potential and that of the collective, ultimately contributing to the better future we know is possible.

It means not compromising our values as we make our way in the world. It is to develop energetically, cultivate our fullest, most aligned expression, and create meaningful, non-zero sum exchange in our work.

From that place, you can build an aligned and lucrative business which you actually love to be in. One where you don't have to compromise your values in order to show up for it.
Where you can actually make money by doing what you want to be doing.
Though your adventure is unique, you do not need to walk it alone.

We all have our own path, and that is where strength in community lies.

This is not a place to be given a step by step framework or blueprint on how to solve your problems in one day. Hustle culture, comparison, idol worship and quick fixes are not what you'll find here.
Instead, we take a holistic approach to thinking clearly.

Nothing wrong with working hard, but we must make sure we're working on the right things.

What? Why? How? In that order.

Entrepreneurial principles are essential to navigating the current market environment. Formulating a CEO level decision making process to your creative work will give you the clarity and conviction which will allow your flow to reach new heights.

I can't wait to meet you and explore Creative Sovereignty together.

  • How to produce 6 and 7 figures of value, with reliability, without ruining your life
  • The rise of the synthetic economy and coaches coaching coaches to coach
  • Confusing impacts of frameworks, blueprints & 'step by step' solutions
  • Simple systems that afford huge leverage, free up time and magnetize cash
  • How to bring your work and life into one continuous experience
  • The energetics of money; easy exchange with investors, patrons and clients
  • Living in flow more often and with greater reliability
  • Craft content and messaging which works & aligns to your own values
  • Creating for the algorithm vs. creating for the culture
  • How to live in 3d as you rise to 5D