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What we’re about

Welcome to Cross-Skills, a unique parent and youth skill ministry program offered by Little Falls Presbyterian Church!

At Cross-Skills, we believe in the power of learning and growing together as families while deepening our faith in Christ. Our program offers an exciting opportunity for parents and their teenagers to bond over shared experiences and acquire new skills, all while strengthening their spiritual journey.

Here's how it works: Parents and teens can sign up to attend in-person skill classes together, with each class serving as a ticket for attending a Little Falls Youth Group event. It's a win-win situation - you get to learn something new while also participating in our vibrant youth community!

Choose from a diverse range of skill classes, including:

  1. A New Language: Expand your horizons by learning a new language alongside your teen.
  2. Website Development: Dive into the world of coding and create your own website from scratch.
  3. Music Creation: Unleash your creativity and compose your own music together.
  4. Book Writing: Channel your inner storyteller and collaborate on writing a book.
  5. Guitar or Piano: Master a musical instrument and make beautiful music together.
  6. Drone Flight: Take to the skies and learn the art of drone piloting side by side.
  7. Movie Making: Bring your ideas to life and produce your own short film as a family.
  8. Film Editing: Learn the art of post-production and edit your film creations together.
  9. Graphic Design: Get creative with visuals and design graphics as a team.
  10. Bible Study: Deepen your understanding of scripture and grow in your faith together.

Each class is designed as a fun, in-person 45 minute class taught on location. You can take as many classes weekly as you like!

Whether you're interested in language, technology, arts, or spirituality, there's something for everyone at Cross-Skills. Join us as we embark on a journey of learning, bonding, and discipleship at Little Falls Presbyterian Church!