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Halloween Cruise

From: user 5.
Sent on: Thursday, July 15, 2010, 4:26 PM

Hi everyone. This is Diane, and I'm excited to be hosting the Halloween weekend cruise on the Carnival Paradise Oct. 29th - Nov. 1st. If you haven't already signed up, I hope you are considering joining us. It will be a ton of fun and we are going to be having a costume party with a prize for the best costume. Plus the ship will have an amazing party on Halloween night.

We have a few guys signed up who are still looking for roommates - one in his late 20s and one in his early 40s. If you would like to share, please let me or Marilyn know, we'll hook you up.

We also were able to hold TWO more oceanview cabins at a rate you couldn't get today ($329 per person). These two are first come first served, so please let me or Marilyn know asap if you would like either of these. And if you would like a roommate to share it with.

If you are on the fence, feel free to ask me or Marilyn any questions about this sailing or the group. It is a BLAST of a weekend, and considering it includes all your food, the room, entertainment, and a great Halloween party, it is a great bang for the buck.

Thanks, Diane

P.S. Please email me DIRECTLY at [address removed] or Marilyn at [address removed] or[masked] (don't reply, which replies to everyone).

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