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Re: [CTCSL] Today's Blessing

From: Ramona Murphy, RScP - M.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 17, 2016, 5:28 PM
Wow, that is amazing! If you'd like to help pay as little as possible, let me know. I can help.  
Moni Murphy. 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 17, 2016, at 12:34 PM, sharon bailey <[address removed]> wrote:

Thank you. I have been affirming that I will be able to visit my son in Prague I had know idea how I just put out the desire and was blessed with a gift from my boss who has offered to pay my way to see him this summer. Wow! So very grateful for SOM. Its so effective. God is love and is always loving us and providing for us. Ask and you shall receive. Thank you Revrend Patrick for being here in CT and sharing your spiritual love and wisdom. So very grateful for your presence.

Lots of love,
Sharon B.

On May 17,[masked]:12 PM, "Rev. H. Patrick Pollard" <[address removed]> wrote:

Affirm this day into your life experience and Know: The Universe withholds nothing from me, but generously opens Its limitless supply of all Good.  Its Life has entered into my life, energizing and vitalizing my very body-temple. My mentality mirrors the Its beauty and is fully absorbed in Its Grace, Goodness and Power. Indeed I am a joyous recipient of Its boundless beneficence. Today my life is a radiant center of overflowing love, light and peace. I believe. I accept it and I live it.  And So It Is.


Rev. H. Patrick Pollard RSc.F. CSL

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