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Suunday Topic fo this Sunday May 29th 2016"Living the GOD Centered Life" with Rev. Jean Battah

From: Rev. H. Patrick P.
Sent on: Thursday, May 26, 2016, 9:36 AM

Join us this coming Sunday[masked]. Let us help you start your week on solid ground, be our guest @ 9:45 AM for a 15 minute centering meditation. The homily by the  Rev. Jean Battah our speaker, will inspire you, lift your spirit, and energize your life force to live this week on an ascending scale.

You will have the opportunity to meet many people of like mind on an unrivalled spiritual path.  Respond yes. On this Meetup.

You're  gonna be happy you came.

Richest Blessings

Rev. H. P. Pollard RSc.F. CSL.

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