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8 Day Original Cuba Tour

Photo of Ana
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8 Day Original Cuba Tour


Our 8 day itinerary covers the highlight destinations within a day’s drive of Havana.
Trinidad offers a quaint and beautiful colonial city near some pretty beaches on the Caribbean coast.
Vinales promises stunning mountain scenery and quintessential rural landscapes.
The 8 day small group tour gives you the chance to explore these areas hassle free, staying in carefully chosen local guesthouses,
and travelling with one of our celebrated local guides.

Tour prices are from: $625USD

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Cuba is at a historical crossroads, on the verge profound change. For the first time in 60 years it has a president that is not from the Castro family.
Change and modernisation are surely on the near horizon.
The phrase “now is the time to visit” has been spoken for many years now, however it could hold true now more than ever before.
The next few years could be the last chance to see this unique country that has been stuck in time since the 60’s, and before it’s vibrant culture, society and landscapes change forever.

Hi everyone!
The dates of our upcoming Meetups are the dates our tours start in Havana. Questions are answered through the Meetup page and on our website .

Photo of Cuban Adventures Travel Meetup group group
Cuban Adventures Travel Meetup group
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Every 4th Thursday of the month

Cuban Adventures
02 george street · Sydney
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