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New meetup group for Screenwriters

From: Jason M
Sent on: Monday, July 1, 2013, 2:53 PM

Dear Movie Fans,


One of our members has started a meetup group devoted to screenwriting.  Mick McGrath writes,

" The Central Virginia First-Time Screenwriters' Group is for anyone interested in getting together with other first-time screenwriters to workshop new scripts and make connections. This will include, but is not limited to, exploring the mechanics of screenwriting, writing guidance/projects (to encourage the screenwriting process), and presenting/discussing new work. We plan to meet for at least 1 hour once a month in the Charlottesville area and our first meeting is scheduled for July 11th at the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. Let me know if you have any questions or would like more information about the group. Although we are a small group now, I expect membership to pick up once school starts and the Virginia Film Festival (November 7-10) draws a little closer. Thanks!"


If you are interested, join here:


