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Online Sync [Aspirant Hacker Meetup]

Photo of CyberForge Academy
Hosted By
CyberForge A.
Online Sync [Aspirant Hacker Meetup]


Are you interested in learning about the world of real world, white hat hacking and cybersecurity? Join us online for "Online Sync" event designed for aspiring hackers by CyberForge Academy Aspiring Hackers Group.

Event Outline
1. Meet & Greet on Zoom - 15 minutes
2. Technical Session: SQLmap 101 (What, Why and How) - 30 minutes
#### a - What is SQLmap and why it is essential for database vulnerability assessment?
#### b - Types of SQL injection vulnerabilities detectable with SQLmap.
#### c - Understanding SQLmap's detection techniques and engine.
#### d - Automating exploitation and database takeover with SQLmap.
#### e - Mini SQLmap focused CTF.
#### f - Customizing SQLmap tests and extending its capabilities.
3. Q& A Session - 10 minutes
4. Staying updated: Latest threats and Cybersecurity news - 10 minutes
5. Chat and Hangout - 15 minutes

Technical session will be hands-on and attendees will be provided files/slides/demo video recordings.

Important Guidelines:

Join us and lets learn together!

For faster communication, also join our Whatsapp meetup Group:

You can also connect with us at:

Photo of CyberForge Academy Aspiring Hackers Group group
CyberForge Academy Aspiring Hackers Group
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