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Re: [dachshund-448] Any Doggy Dermatologist recommendations?

From: Danielle
Sent on: Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 10:27 AM
My Bella does the same thing just in a different spot. Turns out she is allergic to corn. We started using food without it and no issues. 

What a sweet brother to rescue her. I think mine would simply start biting her themselves rather then spring her from a cone. LOL Have you tried the Kong blow up one? I have one for mine and it works great. I went one size up, medium I think. It attaches to the collar so it won't come off. You need the medium cause when I tried the small Chewy was still able to reach his back leg, the injured one. It also makes a nice pillow.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Colleen <[address removed]> wrote:
My 3 year old miniature Dachshund Bella, has severe "hot spots" up and down her tail. She bites and picks at her tail constantly. I've tried to put a cone on her to prevent this, but her little rascal of a brother always "saves" her from it. I have taken her to the vet for this three times already this year and he has given her two cortisone shots as well as an anti-itch spray. All seem to work temporarily but she always goes back to itching. Her vet is now recommending I take her to see a dermatologist for the problem. Can anyone recommend a good doggy dermatologist in the area? We are located in Livermore


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