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Re: [dachshund-448] Fw: Sojos Holistic Dog Food

From: Retro D.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 12:45 PM
Stella & Chews is also excellent option. Even better would be feeding full raw. :)

Warmest Regards,


On Jul 24, 2013, at 11:26 AM, macy maris <[address removed]> wrote:

Folks, I've been feeding my 6 doxies Sojo's for the past year now.  Not only have I noticed that their hair and skin is luxurious/soft, they do not have doggie breath, their teeth are clean and they are getting lean and trim, I've noticed I do not have to give them a chemical flea treatment, either internal or external.

I'm only giving my doxies 1/4 cup per day (1/8th cup in 2 feedings), and there is an ingredient in this holistic food that is keeping fleas away.  I don't know what it is, but at least it's one less chemical my dogs are ingesting or having applied to their skin.

So please consider this product for your pet. Can be special ordered at Pinole Pet Food Express, El Cerrito Pet Food Express stocks it as well as the El Cerrito PetVet on Potrero.   If you do try it on your dog, please remember to transition them.....just give them a teaspoon for a few days, then a tablespoon for a few days, etc.


GMOs in pet food: what to know
All ingredients in Sojos mixes are GMO free, preservative free and clean of artificial additives - just fresh, natural ingredients
apple What are GMOs?
GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism and
refers to an organism or crop that is altered at the DNA level to strengthen certain qualities. GMOs are created for a number of reasons: to improve the nutritional value of a food, to create crops resistant to pests or harsh environments, etc.
broccoli Why pay attention?
The FDA does not require either human food companies or petfood companies to label their products if they contain GMOs. This means you or your pet could be ingesting GMOs without knowing. GMOs have the potential to cause serious health problems both in humans and animals, so it's important to pay attention to ingredient quality. 
carrots How can you avoid GMOs?
Sojos pet food mixes are made from ingredients that are entirely GMO-free. We source free-range cows and cage-free turkeys that are GMO-free. Carefully read packaging on any food products you purchase and look for a GMO-free label, since food companies do not need to label products including GMOs.
basil How do GMOs affect your pets?
There is much debate on the topic and few scientific studies to provide documented findings. However, many opponents of GMOs argue that food allergies in pets have increased with the increased number of GMO ingredients used in pet foods, among other more serious health issues.
Sojos wants to provide the healthiest all-natural pet food available and has a commitment to creating pet foods that are GMO-free. 
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Your pet's food could help lessen your allergies (gesundheit!)
A blurb from the Sojos blog
You'd love to get a cat or dog, but worry about allergies. The advantages of owning a pet typically outweigh the disadvantages, note the experts at the Humane Society of the United States. Here are some tips to help you enjoy your animal companion with a minimum of sneezing.  
Any cat or dog can cause an allergic reaction in people - there's no such thing as a "non-allergic" cat or dog. Cats tend to cause more reactions for allergic people than dogs. Certain proteins found in dander, saliva and urine can cause an animals' body to produce anti-bodies that cause an inflammatory response in humans, such as itchy eyes, sneezing or coughing.