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October Meetup and Other News

From: Katy C.
Sent on: Monday, September 12, 2011, 6:00 PM

Hi All:
I've had quite a few requests to have a Meetup at our old stomping grounds - Ft Steilacoom Off-Leash Park, so I decided to go ahead and set up our October Meetup on the 8th there. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make this Meetup as I'll be heading off on vacation. Sorry to miss everyone!

Also, as I mentioned before, I spent our extra $$ from the Brick fund on doggie bags for our Hawks Prairie Park. I was going to bring to the October Meetup, but since that won't work, I'll take Maggie to the park in the next week or so and distribute them. Thanks to Barb & Schnitzy from our group who told me about these at the Dollar Tree - what a great deal! (And Powder Fresh scent!)

For those of you who haven't been at Hawks Prairie for a while, we don't have our brick installed yet. Still waiting!

I will be looking into Fido's Farms again for our colder, wetter months (Nov., Dec. & Jan.) so will let you know if that's still an option for us.

Don't forget our Facebook page:

Take care -- Katy N' Maggie

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