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Connect with Spirit: 30-Minute Reading with Psychic Medium Kristen Harlow

Photo of Kristen
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Connect with Spirit: 30-Minute Reading with Psychic Medium Kristen Harlow


Welcome! I'm Kristen, and I am a Psychic Medium with a special focus on evidential mediumship. Please join this event if you'd like to receive messages from departed loved ones, spirit guides, ancestors, or any ethereal being.

About Mediumship:

Evidential mediumship means that much of the information I present can be confirmed in some way, usually by the person I am reading. The beauty of evidential mediumship is that it both assists the sitter in recognizing the Spirit in question, and also becomes a kind of Spiritual "proof" that helps the sitter truly accept the integrity of the medium. As an evidential medium, I bring through those who have passed and often highlight situations that revolve around forgiveness, acceptance, and hope. I aim to help others find peace with the knowledge that their loved ones are with them, flourishing and thriving in their new form.

I am also an intuitive reader, and often help to shine light on any internal struggles that may be creating a bottleneck in one's life. My intuitive readings often accompany my messages from Spirit, and play a role in delivering messages as fully and truthfully as possible.

For the session:

Please feel free to send any questions you may have beforehand, but please do not share any detailed information about yourself in advance of the session so that we can maintain as much integrity as possible. Please also understand that I cannot control the Spirits who choose to come through with messages. You may very well get the connection that you desire, but you may also hear from someone unexpected instead. All will be in your highest and best interest, of that you can be assured.

Most importantly, bring an open mind, and open heart, and yourself! I look forward to seeing you!

**Venmo accepted as well as PayPal
**For educational purposes only

Photo of Readings with Psychic Medium Kristen Harlow group
Readings with Psychic Medium Kristen Harlow
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