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Two Weeks from DrupalCamp Dallas: Just added Drupal in Day Training

From: Tom M.
Sent on: Friday, March 29, 2013, 6:27 PM

Well over 100 Drupalers have already registered for the biggest Drupal event in North Texas, the 5th annual DrupalCamp Dallas. Regular registration pricing of $49 ends Monday April 1st. So if you haven't registered yet, you want to this weekend.

I also wanted to let you know about a special opportunity for those looking to learn the essentials of Drupal site building. LevelTen will be doing their professional Drupal in a Day workshop the day before the camp at a dramatically reduced price. This class is normally $400 to $500. Those registered for DrupalCamp Dallas can attend the Drupal in a Day workshop for just an additional $35.

For details on the camp, training and all the other great stuff going on at DrupalCamp Dallas check out this post:

Hope to see you there,



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