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What we’re about

We organize and schedule FREE coed pick up soccer games for all levels. We share the field with skilled and recreational level players.

We work hard to keep our group lean and remove idle or fake profiles to measure accurate turnout and keep games within a reasonable size to avoid chaos and injuries. We want every player to have a chance to shine and get a good workout.

Our meetup group is the first and only soccer group that truly promotes safe, fair, and respectful play. As you will note, there are several groups that spun off from ours as former members felt our games were not aggressive enough. We like to play competitively but fair.

Games are free and hosting can be costly so we require your patience and cooperation to set games up.

League games are always fun, but we have weekly games in case you want to play more and improve your skill or fitness levels. Our group is very convenient, here's why:

-Most games are free, turf games or indoor games may require a small fee

-Play on the days that fit your schedule

-Play for a few minutes or as long as you want

-We have a crowd that is fun, respectful and promotes safe play.

You must be a meetup member to play at our soccer games so pass the word to your friends and potential guests. Advertising in the group or at the fields is only allowed with prior approval from this group's main organizer. <br>

What you will need:

We strongly encourage you to: <br> 1.Wear soccer cleats or turf shoes for the games. <br> 2.Wear shinguards <br> 3.Bring plenty of water to the games. <br>

Game times and locations

Game times are scheduled based on seasonal weather, parks/soccer field availability and restrictions, field conditions, and turnout.

All our games are coed and players of all skill levels are welcome

You do not need anyone's approval to start or stop playing, play as long as you want.

Some games are played full-field with goals/nets, this is contingent on field location and/or turnout. The game schedule will specify if the field has lights.

For specific fields, addresses, and instructions, please sign up and RSVP, we do not require specific or confidential information in order to register. Only a picture of you so that we recognize you on the field and confirm your membership.

If you know about any good parks, venues or leagues to play please join us and contact the organizer directly by clicking on the Organizer member profile to start new games in those locations

RULES - Please play at your own risk! <br>

1. Be competitive but respectful when playing with or against women– Don't be rough on our female players please.

2. Aggressive Players – Always try to make respectful and clean plays during games. Please give up the play if you can't keep up so that nobody gets injured, it's ok to lose the ball and make mistakes. No slide tackling please.

3. Always bring water – Avoid injuries and cramps from dehydration and bring as much water as possible! Wear soccer cleats when possible.

4. "One-man" shows – We encourage teamwork, skilled but selfish players are not allowed! <br> <br> 5. Teamwork – Be open to rotate positions and try to play a position that fits your skills. Pick up soccer is about team effort too. <br> <br> 6. RSVPs - Please RSVP to all games whenever you plan to attend, even if you already know the location and schedule. It’s ok to bring guests but please ask them to join our group. <br> <br>