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New Event: Snowshoe Walk

From: FAN A.
Sent on: Monday, January 14, 2008, 2:02 PM
Announcing a new event for Dance & Activities Meetup NH!

What: Snowshoe Walk

When: Saturday, January 19, 1:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Let's take advantage of the recent snow do a snowshoe walk. If you don't have have any snowshoes, the Audobon Center rents snowshoes. (Was $7.00 last year, quantities limited)

From I-93 and points West and North and South of Manchester, take Exit 7, Route 101 East (Seacoast). Watch for the Audubon signs.

From points East of Manchester, go towards Manchester on Route 101. Watch for the Audubon signs.

Take Exit 1 and go south onto Route 28 By-pass. Travel 1/8 mile to traffic circle.
Proceed half way through the circle, continuing on the Route 28 By-pass. You'll see Lake Massabesic on your left.

Travel 1.9 miles to Spofford Road. Turn left onto Spofford Road for 1/4 mile.

Turn left onto Audubon Way (on the corner as Spofford Road veers right).

Parking lot is on the left, opposite the Center.

Car Pool From Nashua:
Leaving the Exit 6 (Off Route 3) Bus Station/Welcome Center at 12:15 PM. Note there is free parking at the welcome center.

Learn more here:

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