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New Event: Knitting lessons

From: Nancy L
Sent on: Wednesday, July 11, 2007, 4:55 PM
Announcing a new event for Dance & Activities Meetup NH!

What: Knitting lessons

When: Thursday, July 26, 6:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Hi All,
I will be at AC Moore in Nashua, NH on

Thursday July 26th
Monday July 30th
Mark your calendars if you want to take some lessons. You must prepay at the store AC Moore is on Amherst st in Nashua NH. It is $10 and the time is 6-8pm.
I will be teaching beginner knitting and crocheting, and if you need help finishing a project or just picking a project.
See you there.

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