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What we’re about

100 of us used to meet frequently at the Alpen, Arts Club, Austrian, Bonzor, Cathy B's, Diverse Other Venues

They have all been closed for a year and a half

Not likely to re-open before summer '22

With people hesitant to go anywhere, we've lost touch

This is a vehicle for us to get back in touch

Well get together in small groups in small venues

Also in members homes

We won't go to places with dozens of people

None want to be the 1 in 20 who will get C19 this winter

Joining is by introduction

One of us tells you a person this group

You or they message the Organizer

Not the typical Meetup, C19 changed things

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The Organizer has previously hosted at

ScotiaBankDanceCentre on davie

Excellent venue except for parking

If there is sufficient he will attempt to book

a smallish studio one evening weekly for 6 weeks

Everyone's ideas are welcome

See Discussion pages or start one