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Free Guided Meditation

Photo of Nilesh Matkari
Hosted By
Nilesh M. and 3 others
Free Guided Meditation


For help with directions or other queries call Rajesh: 755629268

Sahaja Yoga is a unique and natural way to attain Self - Realization which leads to inner enlightenment. Through that inner enlightenment we become our own masters and start to master all kinds of things around us as well. Please take time to learn this technique and grow in reality.

These classes are meant to come together and meditate and learn little by little, so please plan to join them every week for continuous growth. Sahaja Yoga is always free.

Meeting Plan :

Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

Experience of being in Meditation and Learning to Meditate.

How to meditate at home.

Join us for more resources at.

Photo of Dar es Salaam Sahaja Yoga Meditation group
Dar es Salaam Sahaja Yoga Meditation
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Every week on Sunday

Haadi Apartments
Libya St · Dar es Salaam
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