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Data Science with "White Space" Algorithms

Photo of Timothy Eastridge
Hosted By
Timothy E.
Data Science with "White Space" Algorithms


Join Data Science Charlotte as we explore white space algorithms and their potential to drive innovation. We will use cooking recipe data as our example dataset!

1. Introduction to White Space Algorithms (20 minutes)
- What are white space algorithms?

2. Analyzing the Scatterplot of Embedding Space (10 minutes)
- Visualizing the landscape of existing innovations
- Identifying patterns, clusters, and gaps in the scatterplot

3. Honing in on the White Space (10 minutes)
- Techniques for identifying potential white space opportunities

4. Q&A and Networking (30 minutes)
- Open forum for questions and further discussions
- Opportunity to connect with fellow data science enthusiasts and innovators

Please RSVP to secure your spot. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Data Science Charlotte
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1515 Mockingbird Ln suite 400
1515 Mockingbird Ln suite 400 · Charlotte, NC