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What we’re about

This is a woman-only group. After seeing a lot of women going through similar relationship complications again & again, we decided to create this group to break that toxic cycle and during the process help you find your significant other.

The purpose of this group is to discuss issues related to relationships and dating by holding weekly events focusing on 2 things -

1 - Meetups related to those specific problems that you always wanted to discuss with someone but could not find that mature person. We seriously invite you, who are comfortable to mentor and share your mistakes that you may have made in the past or may be trapped in, and discuss it with others so that even we can learn from your mistakes.

2- Meeting up with new faces, new people, and personalities from various walks of life, based on your inclinations, and stories, with whom you can talk openly and build healthy connections which can also lead to the forming of meaningful relationships.

We will always try to make the best environment possible for you where you can discuss/share your dark stories/thoughts with special ones from the group. We look forward to listening to your side of the story.

Upcoming events

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