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Possible Sat later am hike

From: S
Sent on: Friday, April 19, 2013, 8:09 PM

On Sat-4/20/13-
We are considering getting out if it isn't too horribly rainy for a few hours on what could be exploratory depending upon weather.  If it's too bad in am we will wait to see if it clears.  Weather conditions will dictate the plan or maybe it will be too bad and we won't get out at all.  I don't know the exact place, time or hiking time.  Location will be either in NSL or Farmington area.

I have a couple of ideas but nothing definite.  If you're interested please contact me via email.  We won't be leaving until at least after 10:00 am. Weather dependent.
This is not a beginner hike and appropriate gear is necessary.

This hike outing would require shoe traction wear( spikes or yaks), and sturdy hiking boots, a well supplied day pack, water- even though you think you'll not need it, appropriate protective clothes,  and other things you personally need on a strenuous hike with very little stops. 
This is not a designated formal group hike and details will be sent only  to interested people.   I just wanted to see if anyone was interested in joining us on a Sat- rainy, muddy, cold- maybe snowy, hike with no definite plan until we see what the weather will do.  Yes- it's a pretty sure thing you will get your feet wet and muddy and we will be ascending a steep hill somewhere.   Email me if you are interested.

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