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Davis County Hiking Meetup Hikes Scheduled

From: Richard
Sent on: Sunday, August 4, 2013, 3:41 PM

I have scheduled the hikes through the end of the year on the meetup site.  Come take a look and join us on the ones that match your schedule.  I have added a few new ones for those that have been hiking with us for a while to add some variety.


I would like to see more hikes during the week and weekends to fill in the options.  If you have a trail where you live and think it would be a nice evening hike or weekend hike, post it as an idea or shoot it my way.  I will post it on the site and ask that you help lead it.   It is fun to go on trails with folks that are familiar with them.   I am looking for help in August and September for evening hikes specifically. 


Happy trails and see you at the trail head!


Richard (organizer)

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