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Re: [atheists-27] “Reparative” Therapy

From: Mathew G.
Sent on: Sunday, April 12, 2015, 8:59 AM
The problem with reparative therapy is that it is not properly justified by empirical evidence so it is primarily about ideology.  There are medical treatments that effectively assist with remedying gender dysphoria.  If there were equally effective medical treatments for converting same gender to opposite gender attraction then I see no problem with health insurers covering that.

On Apr 12, 2015, at 4:50 AM, Mark Sibert <[address removed]> wrote:

I would not be surprised if somebody has the idea of a gene therapy to “fix” homosexuality.  Why don’t they concentrate on something important, like finding a way to “fix” serial criminals, like rapists or killers?


On Apr 10, 2015, at 3:09 PM, Don Wharton <[address removed]> wrote:

As we know, our nation is on a very visible path to establishing full marriage rights for the LGBT community. Obama has come out in support of outlawing so called reparative therapy. This is major news that should highlight a significant new civil rights battle.

From the NY Times:

Obama Calls for End to ‘Conversion’ Therapies for Gay and Transgender Youth

A 17-year-old transgender youth, Leelah Alcorn, stunned her friends and a vast Internet audience in December when she threw herself in front of a tractor-trailer after writing in an online suicide note that religious therapists had tried to convert her back to being a boy.

In response, President Obama is calling for an end to such therapies aimed at “repairing” gay, lesbian and transgender youth. His decision on the issue is the latest example of his continuing embrace of gay rights.

Full article:


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