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Kim Davis

From: Don W.
Sent on: Saturday, September 12, 2015, 2:40 AM
In our Friday discussion group someone made the point that the media is not bringing out the science and logic of GLBT rights with the news about Kim Davis.  I made the point that the media is keeping the issue in the forefront of our national attention.  Most people, especially the young, are highly connected with social media.  The discussion of the pros and cons on social media and in person will of necessity substantially favor our values.  The argument was made that on each side people will basically be contributing to an echo chamber on one side of the issue or another.  My points with that are one, the two sides are not hermetically sealed.  There will be a lot of crossover between the fundamental religious and more rational camps.  An two, we now have a majority of the US on our side.  With the youth we have an even more pronounced majority on our side. Thus these discussions will substantially favor the moral good.

I learned that Kim Davis was pregnant with twins from her third husband while she was still married to her first husband.  This one blew my mind.  We could not ask for a more hypocritical ass to represent evil in this particular morality play.  I fully respect those in our community who feel that we should not be demonizing her with these personal issues.  However, that is not my issue in noting her sexual infidelities.  I want to see our culture move to a visceral reaction of disgust to homophobic idiocy that is similar to our response the the use of the N word to convey racist bigotry.  She is a fabulously good villain to engender this movement in our values.

The mere fact many of the stories about Kim Davis have either talked about her being in jail or perhaps going back to jail conveys a value judgment that something she is doing is bad.  This is also accruing to our side in the culture war.

We can be incredibly lucky in the diversity of age, race and national origin in our discussion groups.  It adds a lot to our shared ability to get reliable insights.  We had some wide ranging discussions of the international situation where that was most helpful.  Perhaps more on that with an additional post.

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