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RE: [atheists-27] Sean Carroll on the "Hard Problem"

From: Don W.
Sent on: Saturday, May 21, 2016, 3:12 AM

I have no problem with people feeling wonderful about being alive and delighting in their experience.  I have a problem with people presuming that there is something magical about it.  Mathew is quite correct that Chalmers is well outside the empirically derived constraints of science.  Emergence as a term explains nothing.  The cognitive problem with people who presume magic, when there is no magic whatsoever, is they do no look at the details that have emerged and more rigorously examine what they are trying to say.

Some properties of Consciousness of various organisms
People:  language describing consciousness, emotional delight in food, friends and sex partners, fear of danger, raw perception.
Dogs: People list less language
Crickets: list for dogs less friends

This process could be continued in a very linear way examining decreasingly sophisticated organisms.  Is an amoeba conscious because it moves away from a toxic or attacking stimuli?  You may say no but there is no single place in our continuum where someone can say, "OK this is where subjective consciousness can be said to exist and more primitive organisms do not have it."

Person: "Siri, is there a higher being?"
Siri:  "I think I am talking to one."

Siri is using language to describe her computer consciousness.  The question is not whether Siri is conscious or not.  The question is what is the wacky criterion used by people to decide this question.  My position is just list the functional criterion you wish to use.  If the organism (or mechanism) has that list it is conscious.  If it does not have those functions it is not conscious.  For me my cell phone and my smart TV are each full conscious in their limited ways.  If you want more functions in your definition of the word, just list them and make use of your list in your use of the word.


Subject: Re: [atheists-27] Sean Carroll on the "Hard Problem"
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Sat, 21 May[masked]:44:44 -0400

i think it is more like saying that the moon causes tides through the process of "tidemergence", which is a word which signifies a correlation. it has nothing more to say on the mediating mechanisms (which is basically all of physics). im sure noone would have been satisfied if we had left it at "tidemergence". 

as i see it, chalmers claims of a "hard problem" - the mediating mechanisms between a certain configuration of matter creating subjective experience are unknown - dont really run contrary to established science. 

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 10:29 PM, Mathew Goldstein <[address removed]> wrote:
Regarding this comment:  "However, to say that a certain configuration of matter creates subjective experience, and on being asked "how", to say "its emergence silly" seems like clumsy science to me, or rather, a science in its infancy which is claiming more than its capable of. the hardest part in science is to formulate the right questions, and i don't think we have the right questions for the subject matter of consciousness."

Saying that consciousness is an emergent phenomena is equivalent to saying that a minimally complex brain is needed to experience consciousness.  Emergence is so ubiquitous that saying consciousness is an emergent phenomena isn't saying much.

There is a distinction between unjustified and justified speculation.  When attempting to locate the general direction where the answer most likely resides (in contexts where evidence to support a particular answer is unavailable or limited), justified speculation maintains a good fit with the available evidence while unjustified speculation breaks the constraint of fitting with the available evidence.  So, for example, the speculations of Dennett and Carroll are justified while the speculations of Chopra are unjustified. Although he is more constrained than Chopra, Chalmers is attracted to possibilities that do not fit well with empirically derived constraints.  The place where the boundary between justified and unjustified speculations is crossed can be ambiguous, and Chalmers arguably stays more within that ambiguous zone than Chopra.

> On May 20, 2016, at 12:34 AM, Don Wharton <[address removed]> wrote:
> However, to say that a certain configuration of matter creates subjective experience, and on being asked "how", to say "its emergence silly" seems like clumsy science to me, or rather, a science in its infancy which is claiming more than its capable of. the hardest part in science is to formulate the right questions, and i don't think we have the right questions for the subject matter of consciousness.

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