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Chimney Top via North Fork Mountain Trail

Photo of Rik Ganguly
Hosted By
Rik G.
Chimney Top via North Fork Mountain Trail


Let's conquer the famous Chimney Top!

You must sign up at in order to join as a rider, driver, or non-carpooler. You will need to have a Ridj-it account, NOT a Meetup account, in order to sign up. You'll be prompted to create a Ridj-it account if you do not have one. Only having a RSPV on Meetup does not get you in the event. Any questions you have about the trip can be posted at the link above.

This will be a fairly standard out and back, starting from the North Fork Mountain Trailhead. Roughly 5 miles and 2,000 ft elevation gain.

The trail map can be found here:

I enjoy some post-hike food and beer, so we will find some place on the way back to indulge.

What to bring:
-Trail map
- Hiking boots
-Water-resistant or waterproof pants.
-Thermal layer pants (recommended).
-Multiple layers (base + mid) of clothing, recommended non-cotton
-Water-resistant or waterproof hard/soft shell jacket
-hat and gloves
-Headlamp (recommended)
- 2 liters of water
-Electrolytes (Gatorade/electrolyte powder)
-Snacks and lunch.
-Positive attitude

Additional expectations

  1. I am not a guide and this is not a service - I expect you to be fully prepared with the gear listed below and the mindset that you could get yourself out of trouble if needed.
  2. We stick together - this is a group event, so if you feel that you are not flexible in working as a team, this will not be a good hike for you.
  3. You can be turned away from carpool or the trailhead if you look/seem unprepared.
  4. Showing up without registering on Ridj-it with a profile and then actually signing up for the trip is a safety hazard and will get you banned. Do not message to join in any alternative manner.
Photo of DC Outdoor Adventures group
DC Outdoor Adventures
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RSVPs are closed
1850 N Moore St · Arlington, VA
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