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887 members - sold out party tonight at current + sonu nigam tickets + standup comedy event with the most famous south asian female comic in north camera (second most famous)

From: Manan Singh K.
Sent on: Saturday, August 18, 2012, 4:05 PM

quick note...
tonights party is gonna get sold out soon
amazing numbers
early bird SOLD OUT
we plan to increase the price at door
its a great venue - check the website - explore the nightlife - ~

scroll down - more text below....


i love this song - ~ movie was hilarious (if u enjoyed sexual humor in hangover movies and bridesmaids)
havent seen the movie yet... but love the songs - abhi abhi - ~ and maula maula ~ from jism 2 ~
heard EK THA TIGER has broken all records - and has got good reviews (compared to most salman khan movies)

SONU NIGAM is performing live with symphony orchestra - gonna B a sold out show - get your tickets now -
== $39, $79, $129 are SOLD OUT == whats left are === $49, $59, $209, $259!
one link for tickets - ~

in october we r planning a full on standup comedy night event with 3 american comics and the headliner is the  most famous south asian female comic in north camera (second most famous)
cos first is mindy kahling from OFFICE
our headliner is the second most famous in north america
friday, october 12 - early bird tickets will be $25  (with 2 drinks minimum - standard comedy events practice)
a) looking for sponsors
b) looking for partners (we have few, need one more)

on that note...
hope to see u all tonight
online price will be $25 soon
and at door $30

jai mata di - manan singh katohora

ps: join our dc md va group on facebook ~
ADD manan singh katohora