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Neues Meetup: Dialogue in the Dark - Dialog im Dunkeln - POSTPONED !!!

From: user 1.
Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010, 22:07
Ank?ndigung eines neuen Meetups f?r English-German-Stammtisch Hamburg!

Was: Dialogue in the Dark - Dialog im Dunkeln - POSTPONED !!!

Wann: 16. Januar[masked]:00

Dialog im Dunkeln
Alter Wandrahm 4, Block W

Hello Everyone,

Unfortunately, the scheduled meet-up will be postponed to Saturday the following week.
We will meet at 1800 sharp and will enjoy the guided tour which takes 90 min and will cost 19 Euro per person. Sorry, if this causes confusion ;-)

Dear Meet-up friends,

A Happy New Year to all of you!

I would like to invite you to our first meet-up in the new year 2010.
As discussed some time ago, we will meet-up this time in the dialogue in the dark (Dialog im Dunkeln) and have a guided tour together. Since I have not been there myself, I am anxious to go, and have only heard the best from everyone who experienced the place.
Later on, we will go for dinner and/ or a cocktail in one of the nearby clubs, pubs, bars, restaurants. Please let me know if you have any preferences for venues for the later evening so I can make a reservation. Any suggestion is welcome.
I look forward to seeing or rather "feeling" you at the DunkelBar :)

Have a great week and a good start in the new year.
Best wishes,

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