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Fw: Free Seminar "You Can Double Your Income In 60-90 Days" - Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing

From: Darryl D.
Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008, 12:42

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: John Weigel <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thursday, December 11,[masked]:35:39 AM
Subject: Free Seminar "You Can Double Your Income In 60-90 Days" - Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing

You can double your income in  60 to 90 days without quitting your job, without investing in stocks, real estate, or selling anything.   We can show you how... Bring a friend! 


Thursday   7:00 to 8:00 PM   

Free Seminar  - "You Can Double Your Income" 
Presented by  John & Sally Weigel 
Where:    Denny's Restaurant in St Charles  
             (I-70 to 5th Street exit next to Bass Pro-Shop)  (314) [masked]                                     
 Saturday     3:00 to 4 :00 PM   
Free Seminar  - "You Can Double Your Income"  
Presented by Darryl Dyer
Where:    Pulaski Bank - 415 DeBaliviere Ave. St.Louis, MO 63112  (314) [masked]                                             
John & Sally Weigel                                           Please forward this email to you friends
Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing 
Independent Agents                                
314[masked] home - [masked] cell                       [address removed]            
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