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Re: <Semantic Web> Für Umsteiger, Einsteiger und Neugierige

From: Marco N.
Gesendet am: Freitag, 11. April 2014, 17:25
Thank you for joining us at the Lotico Berlin session last night
hosted by Rainmaking Loft Berlin (https://www.Rainma...­). Thank
you for attending the event and creating an interesting and lively

As discussed the next Lotico session will take place in London, UK on
May 7 in collaboration with the Open Data Institute.


Our next event in Berlin will take place on May 15 and will be hosted
by Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs) at the Technische
Universität Berlin. At this meeting we will focus on geospatial data,
geosparql, the geospatial web in general and in particular the tool
specific implementation with JenaSpatial. If you would like to make a
contribution to the session by presenting or if you just would like
help with the event please let us know.


We hope to see you again soon at a future Lotico session near you.

Have a great weekend!



Marco Neumann

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