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Angular meetup 23 - Wednesday 22 July

From: Sebastian F.
Gesendet am: Sonntag, 19. Juli 2015, 11:19

Hello everyone!

Next Wednesday is our 23 AngularJS meetup! That is awesome!

We plan to do a workshop event with the topic "Testing" at the Small Improvements office. There will be a short introductory talk and then we split into groups with tutors. Sounds like a good plan? I think so, but at the moment we have too few tutors to realize this!

So to all who have experience with testing in AngularJS and are free to attend on Wednesday: Write me a short email and confirm you're going to help us and the community. Without your help we can not host such events! Even if you feel a little uneasy, this is a great opportunity to learn and outgrow yourself. It does not mean you have to know everything to be a tutor, it just means you want to help others!

Looking forward to your replies and seeing you on Wednesday!



P.S. Also be sure to check if you can attend and if not please free your RSVP!

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