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November 17 GOTO Night with Neal Ford and Eelco Visser

From: Daphne K.
Gesendet am: Montag, 10. November 2014, 11:56
Hello Hackers,

Monday November 17th, GOTO Amsterdam will organize a GOTO Night about Functional Thinking. We invited two very interesting speakers, Neal Ford and Eelco Visser, of who we believe this could be of interest to you. If you would like to come, please sign up via this link

Two sessions:

1. "Interactive Language Design with the Spoofax Language Workbench" by Eelco Visser

2. "Functional Thinking in Java 8, Clojure, Groovy, and Scala" by Neal Ford

The GOTO Night will take place at Trifork in Amsterdam (Rijnsburgstraat 9-11). We will start at 6 PM with drinks and pizza and at 6:30 PM with the talks. Hope to see you there!



Daphne Keislair - Community Manager - /
Mobile: [masked] Office: [masked] Fax: [masked]
Address: Rijnsburgstraat[masked] AT - Amsterdam - The Netherlands

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