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Über uns

Keto London meetup is a group for people who are practising or just interested in the benefits of the Ketogenic diet, fasting and ketosis/ ketones.

We meet up every month to share the latest keto knowledge and make new friends with common interests. We've grown from just a few members in 2017 to nearly 1100 to date. And we get great turnouts every month of around 25 people with a wide variety of 'keto' interests.

We exchange information and learn from each others' experiences, learnings, practical tips and the latest research on all the reported benefits (e.g. cognitive or athletic performance, weight loss, energy, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and other therapeutic benefits).

If you would like to join the Keto London whatsapp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HG6CmlVNLCKCkFXgCNgVHW

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Bevorstehende Events (4)

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