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Keto / Carnivore Social - The Café at Foyles, 5th Floor, Charing Cross Road

Photo of Hiro
Hosted By
Hiro and 2 others
Keto / Carnivore Social - The Café at Foyles, 5th Floor, Charing Cross Road


Let's get together to reinforce and make new connections in the Keto / Carnivore community.

This meetup will be an informal time for all of us to socialise, commune, share and network. Basically, have a great time and make some new friends.

  1. Connect with other Keto Members. This is particularly important if you're new to Keto - it helps you stick to it when you have friends and a community around you with the same goals.
  2. Swap notes on your Keto experiences or learn from /get advice/ tips from more experienced members if you're new to Keto.


The Café at Foyles
5th Floor
Foyles on Charing Cross Road
Near Tottenham Court Road Station
107 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0DT

Whatsapp group link:

Follow us on instagram:

Look forward to catching up with you again or meeting you if you haven't attended one of our past events!

Photo of Keto / Carnivore London group
Keto / Carnivore London
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107 Charing Cross Road · London
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