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Meetup: Cafe Francais Monday 18 May

From: Graham T.
Gesendet am: Samstag, 16. Mai 2009, 23:10
Announcing a new Meetup for meetupberne!

What: Cafe Francais

When: May 18,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Meeting on Monday May 18

Caf? Fran?ais - conversation for French speakers and learners

Where: Restaurant Pangaea, Schwanengasse 8, Bern
Contact: Carole Sunderland, [address removed]
Comments: For native speakers and learners.

The May theme is the refenda that have just taken place, and the text we read is something from Paolo Coelho "Warrior of the Light"

Please RSVP if you are coming to the French cafe. Join the mailing list by sending an email to [address removed] There are one or two emails a month, to help us organise, and to suggest learning resources or themes.

Graham / Andrea / Vicko / Carole / Francine / Fran?ois

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