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Über uns

Interested to rediscover the amazing world of plants ? To learn to identify many wild plant from the forest and investigate, by looking at many tiny details the name and family of an unknown plant ?
This group will propose some event during which we will discover and learn all of that together. I am not a botanist and have only limited knowledge in this domain, but I will bring multiple field book about plant identification (flora).
Are the leaves simple or compound ? Opposite or alternate ?
How many petals / sepals are on the flower ?
Those are example of questions which we will have to answer to successfully identify each plant. As a results, not only will we know how to identify this plant again but this bring an interesting way to look at the forest.
The focus will not be on the usage of the plant but the identification itself, however, I will bring a few resources to know the usage of the plant as well (edible, medicine, ..) if this is something interesting for you.
Hope to see you soon in the forest !