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Neues Meetup: Inline skating for beginners, at Bürkliplatz or indoor if bad weather

From: John Peter Mary Wubbe ZeZ c.
Gesendet am: Samstag, 18. September 2010, 10:54
Ank?ndigung eines neuen Meetups f?r Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

Was: Inline skating for beginners, at B?rkliplatz or indoor if bad weather

Wann: Dienstag, 21. September[masked]:30

Wo: B?rkliplatz

hi there,smile

for all that were attending last start up for inlineskating weekends or you did some start ups yourself and you want to practise with a group of people with the same abillities, this is your change!!!

we can skate inside or outdoor so one way or the other it will go on.
gives a good indication of the weather

remember inline skating is a good training for better technics for skiing and stability training for hiking

come and write your YES. You should bring your own skates.
and we will see us on Tuesday

If you do not have some, you can also rent them at Airport P2 top level
pls go there in advance and than join at 18.30 at burkliplatz


I want to thank all helpers from this year as there where Martina. Rafael, Mariette, Susanne, Noellia, and all that I have forgoten.

This is a costless event, I do however love to point out the charity targets from Sven and would love to ask you to donate directly. For me a drink afterwards and the fine company compaensates enough.

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