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New Meeting: Solving the Grosser Mythen

From: Sven
Gesendet am: Montag, 2. Juni 2008, 21:23
Announcing a new meeting for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

What: Solving the Grosser Mythen

When: Sunday, June 22, 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anybody not afraid of me

Why: Hike - Switzerland - Fun people - what else?

Meeting Description: Hi,

This will be a charity hike!!! On the 14th of November, an earthquake of 7.7 (Richter scale) damaged and destroyed nearly 5.000 houses in the north of Chile, my home country. One of the damaged houses was that of a primary school in Tocopilla, a city of[masked] people, mostly poor fishermen and mining people. The school's desks and chairs were totally destroyed. In Switzerland, several schools have donated their "old" furniture for this school in Tocopilla. "Old furniture" in CH means 5 years max and consists of 77 double desks and chairs for 154 girls and boys. The donation was made to the Chilean Club in Z?rich, organized by the few "chileans" living in this city and surroundings. The Chilean Club, however, needed to provide the funding for the safe transportation to Chile. The cost of this is very high and, despite their efforts after 6 months, have reached only a 70% of total funding through swiss enterprises.

On the light of this, I would like to organize this hike and ask the participants a donation for this cause of minimum CHf 10.-. In return, you will have a) a very good hike, b) surrounded by nice people, b) a very good time and c) a satisfying feeling of helping people in need.

Where we going? To the "Grosser Mythen" attractive destination for hikers. From Brunni (1102 m) we take the path to Haggenegg and then up to Holzegg (1405 m). There we can rest to get the strength to the Big Mythen 1899 m. On top of the hike, there is even a nice restaurant with a big terrace to enjoy the view on the 4-Wald-St?dte-See.

The hike will be about 4:30 hours long, however we can take a shortcut by taken the Gondola. The condition is medium difficult, since there is some hiking up to do on steep paths. If you are unsure about your condition, check the different websites on this hike and assess yourself.

How we get there:

Z?rich HB ab 09:38 Gleis 53 S2 S-Bahn
W?denswil an 10:01 Gleis 3B
W?denswil ab 10:04 Gleis 1 S13 S-Bahn
Einsiedeln an 10:27
Einsiedeln, Bahnhof ab 10:35
Brunni an 10:53 BUS 311

To bring along:

- Hiking poles
- Extra clothes
- Wind/Rain Jacket
- Sun protection
- Food (yeah!)
- Good hiking shoes (this time very important!)

Hope to see you all again on this hike!

All the best,


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