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What we’re about

*****   see PAGES tab above for awesome videos, articles and latest links!    *****

Ethereum: a Disruptive Open-sourced distributed "O.S. and transport layer" that is "user programmable" !

Meetup Purpose: 

To fuse a local pool of broad talent and connect common interests, while sharing skill sets to explore, create and capitalize on all things Ethereum. We will approach our investigation from outside-in, by researching external forces, events and competition, so we may learn about Ethereum within its environmental context.

Why Join?  For accelerated learning, sharing of current events and concepts, meeting investors, meeting developers, porting of existing centralized concepts onto Ethereum, creation of new contract concepts, and broaden your exposure to the "world computer".

Why Ethereum?

Ethereum is an open sourced operating system (think Linux), however it works on a globally distributed volunteer network. This forms a "singleton" or "world computer" that is immune to censorship AND corporate AND government AND regulatory interference.

A free market without middlemen, this truly empowers the individual user. Since the network is distributed and "decentralized" no central servers administer the users. The system has embedded consensus model allowing updates to be ignored or adopted by the swarm of users. A true democratically controlled entity.

Ethereum has had its growing pains, with its rapid adoption and will continue to evolve and become more robust in the following months. Many are attracted to its potential and are frantically developing content to contribute to the system.

Ethereum has already surpassed bitcoin almost all performance and app metrics, and has unlimited user generated utility. Bitcoin has only ONE form of Utility.. slow to use....and slow to improve.....and will soon go the way of the fax machine......innovate...or die!

On Sept 2, 2014, 16.5 million USD was raised through crowdfunding in 30 days. An impressive feat! This made Ethereum the 3rd largest globally crowd-sourced event at the time.

On January 2015 Calgary Original Ethereum Meetup was formed with the purpose of getting local interests together to discuss and debate the future potential of Ethereum.

On may 28, 2016, The "DOA" an application (DAPP) that ran on the Ethereum ecosystem raised over 160,000,000 USD.......they where hoping to raise $500,000!!!!.... one of the greatest public beta experiements ensued.....making the system more robust....and resulting in devs taking securty and audits..very seriously.

Join us to discover why this project is so popular and how you can be involved early!

I Look forward to our Ethereum discussions......

Current News and Progress click here!


Module Release Progress Can be found here.





Distributed network health and testnet:

DAO: an application that runs on ethereum:

DAO NEWS and current events:

New attendees will be granted a free SLACK membership to further enhance there learning, contribution and collaboration.

Welcome Aboard!


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