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What we’re about

Deep Learning book is a the only organized publication that teaches core principles of Deep Learning. Book is available online for free at 

This group was a time set aside to go over book's materials and together work through problems. We were meeting every Monday at USF Data Institute 6:30-8:30pm

We did it! We have officially finished the book. Can you believe it?
The last 6 months have been an incredible journey,  together we were able to create a place for mutual improvement, debate, and knowledge exchange. Thank you all for attending, presenting and contributing to discussions!

If you want more of DL Book Club goodness:

All sessions were recorded and videos can be found here: There is a dedicated slack team. If you'd like to be invited please follow this link to request and invite:

What is next?
Here are some things I'm excited to see develop in the near future & over the longer-term:

1. Livestreams for 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 14 have awful quality. My goal is to replace them all with high res edits by end of year. 15-20 are much better, but will eventually be also replaced w high res videos.
2. I'd love to see our slack team to become more active.
3. I really dig the way Mimee summorized notes for chapter 19: and would like to create something like this for all chapters -  let me know if you wanna get involved :)

At last but not an least, I am very grateful to have met you all. And I'd like to keep in touch:

Email: alenavkruchkova at gmail dot com
Twitter: @PyGurl
LinkedIn: in/alenakruchkova
