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Trump is Coming

From: David K.
Sent on: Saturday, December 3, 2016, 9:40 AM
Hi all,

I took some time off to see what's been going on and what we can expect going forward. A few things need to be said. Hillary Clinton did lose the Electoral Vote where it counts, but winning the general vote by over 2 and a half million vote does not give Trump a mandate. He just dismisses it as millions of illegal votes.

Another thing that is unique. Do you ever remember a President-Elect doing a victory rally like Trump did in Cincinnati. Is this President going to strong arm keeping jobs in the US? BTW jobs are still going to Mexico.

Then we get this article below which really does not say anything new, but it basically means that facts are no longer necessary. He will ignore facts completely. This could lead to many dangerous situations that are too numerous to list. Facts have been ignored for many years. That's why there was the Civil Right movement, and the gay marriage issue was settled by the Supreme Court.

So what can we do? We allowed the Republicans to block ever effort that Obama attempted, even shutting down the government. Yes, there are moderate Republicans, but every Republican seems to be running to jump on the Trump Wagon. We all need to stay in touch, stay alert, speak up, but more importantly, vote in 2 years to get the House back in order. No one can sit on the sidelines.

The most important statement that has never been used with Trump: Prove it. He may ignore the facts at every turn, but the facts are weapons as well.  This is why, unless our government goes blind, Trump will be impeached . The same professor that predicted that Trump would win also predicts that Trump will be impeached. That leaves Mike Pence. That might be almost as bad, but I bet we could deal in reality more easily than we can with Trump.

So now it is up to this group. There are many things to get right to protect Washington State. Seattle has a lot gong on politically right now. Did you know that discount for Seniors on Property Taxes is a loan?  That means if and when you sell your home, whatever credit you saved, then comes due. It eats into what you receive from the buyer. What's the percentage? I do not know yet.

If this group can do anything, it is an opportunity to engage in discussion, take actions that makes Washington State an example to the rest of the country. Read the article below, then RSVP, then surprise everyone by showing up. I will be there before 7 pm with my Meetup sign opposite the Starbucks in the Food Court at Northgate. 

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