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What we’re about


Do you keep hearing the word 'microdosing' every other day?! Or maybe you're wondering why there are so many mushroom supplements available lately.

So what's the hype all about? What does microdosing even mean? How does it all work? What do these mushroom supplements actually do?

To answer all these very common questions, Naomi and Asha have decided to introduce microdosing and functional mushrooms for personal growth and healing on the island.

Naomi and Asha feel it's important to come together and share knowledge, experiences, and recipes. To develop and grow within a community.

Whether you are curious about the science behind neuroplasticity or the rich history of psychedelic culture; lots of learning and experimenting will take place during the day.

Let's spend a day learning, discovering, eating, playing, and growing.

Oh, nearly forgot to mention the goodie bags at the end of the day. We are super excited about those too.

Can't wait to see you then!